OEB Videos
The Event
OEB 2017 Plenary - Workplace Learning Starts Here
Speakers: Heather McGowan, Patrick King and Alan Ryan
Chairperson: Nik Gowing
The OEB Debate
OEB 2017 - The OEB Plenary Debate
The motion for debate this year was: “As the internet and social media are profoundly affecting both thinking and learning in ways that are not always beneficial, education institutions should take steps to encourage learners to reduce their reliance on them”.
Speakers: Joe Edelman, Claire Fox, Julia Hobsbawm and Marc Prensky
Chairperson: Harold Elletson
Spotlight Stage
OEB 2017 - The Why, How and What of Private Higher Education Initiatives: Skillful Visions
Speakers: Ben Nelson and Manuel Dolderer
OEB 2017 - Our New Digital World and Culture
Speakers: Marc Prensky and David White
Moderator: Wilfred Rubens
OEB 2017 - Strategies for the Incorporation of Open Education
Speakers: Ada Pellert, Larry Cooperman and Myron Cizdyn
Chairperson: Christian Friedrich
OEB 2017 - Policy Development and Impact
Speakers: Ahmed M. El-Sobky, Rafal Lew-Starowicz and Jan Pakulski
Chairperson: Paul Bacsich