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OEB Global Advisory Board

OEB speaker Graham Attwell

Graham Attwell

Director, Pontydysgu, UK

OEB speaker Fawzi Baroud

Fawzi Baroud

Assistant Vice President for Information Technology - NDU & UNESCO Chair on Open Educational Resources (OER), Notre Dame University- Louaize, Lebanon

OEB speaker Ilona Buchem

Ilona Buchem

Professor of Media and Communication, Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany

OEB speaker Luis Cadenas

Luis Cadenas

Chief Executive Officer, RedCLARA, Peru

OEB speaker Jo Cook

Jo Cook

Director, Lightbulb Moment

OEB speaker Jacques Dang

Jacques Dang

Secretary of the Board, L'Université Numérique, France

OEB speaker Sara de Freitas

Sara de Freitas

Executive Director, Study Group, UK

OEB speaker Maren Deepwell

Maren Deepwell

Chief Executive, Association for Learning Technology, UK

OEB speaker Carlos Delgado Kloos

Carlos Delgado Kloos

Vice President for Strategy and Digital Education , Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

OEB speaker Jens Greefe

Jens Greefe

Director of Studies, EADL European Association for Distance Learning, Germany

OEB speaker Michael Härtel

Michael Härtel

Head of Division 2.5, Teaching and Learning in VET, Training Personnel, BIBB, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Germany

OEB speaker David Hollow

David Hollow

Leader of Jigsaw Education and Research Director of EdTech Hub, EdTech Hub, UK

OEB speaker Nina Huntemann

Nina Huntemann

Chief Academic Officer, Chegg, USA

OEB speaker Peter Isackson

Peter Isackson

Managing Director, Skillscaper, France

OEB speaker Sheila Jagannathan

Sheila Jagannathan

Global Head, Digital Learning & Capacity Building, The World Bank, USA

OEB speaker Oliver Janoschka

Oliver Janoschka

Managing Director, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age)

OEB speaker Thomas Jenewein

Thomas Jenewein

Digital Ambassador, SAP , Germany

OEB speaker Marco Kalz

Marco Kalz

Professor of Technology-Enhanced Learning, Heidelberg University of Education, Germany

OEB speaker Asha Kanwar

Asha Kanwar

Chair Professor, Beijing Normal University, Canada

OEB speaker Abtar Kaur

Abtar Kaur

Professor, Innovative Digital Learning, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU / APIIT), Malaysia

OEB speaker Gila Kurtz

Gila Kurtz

Dean, Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Israel

OEB speaker Rafal Lew-Starowicz

Rafal Lew-Starowicz

Vice President, EdTech Poland, Poland

OEB speaker Sue Martin

Sue Martin

Board Member, eAssessment Association, Germany

OEB speaker Irina Matthews

Irina Matthews

Learning Services Coordinator, GÉANT Vereniging (Association), United Kingdom

OEB speaker Ildiko Mazar

Ildiko Mazar

Sector Consulting Manager, NTT Data, Spain

OEB speaker Barbara Moser-Mercer

Barbara Moser-Mercer

Visiting Fellow Oxford Refugee Studies Center, University of Nairobi, Kenya

OEB speaker Brian Mulligan

Brian Mulligan

Owner / Consultant, Education Futures, Ireland

OEB speaker Fabio Nascimbeni

Fabio Nascimbeni

Human Capital Development Expert, European Training Foundation (ETF), Italy

OEB speaker Dominic Orr

Dominic Orr

Project manager atingi, GIZ, Germany

OEB speaker Ebba Ossiannilsson

Ebba Ossiannilsson

Board Member, ICDE, SADE, Sweden

OEB speaker Thea Payome

Thea Payome

CHECK.point eLearning, Germany

OEB speaker Annette Peet

Annette Peet

Project Manager, SURF, The Netherlands

OEB speaker Philippe André Royer

Philippe André Royer

Cabinet K/Shaping, Germany

OEB speaker Wilfred Rubens

Wilfred Rubens

Consultant, Edublogger and Editor at,, Netherlands

OEB speaker Prof. Dr. Anja Schmitz

Prof. Dr. Anja Schmitz

Professor HRM, Pforzheim University, Germany

OEB speaker Jef Staes

Jef Staes

Architect Learning and Innovative Organisations, Red Monkey Company, Belgium

OEB speaker Richard Straub

Richard Straub

President, Global Peter Drucker Forum, Austria

OEB speaker Miho Tanaka Gumpp

Miho Tanaka Gumpp

Growth Advisor, Canterbury employers chamber of commerce, New Zealand

OEB speaker Karoline Tellum-Djarraya

Karoline Tellum-Djarraya

Section leader, The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, Norway

OEB speaker Herman van der Merwe

Herman van der Merwe

Deputy Dean: Teaching & Learning, North-West University, South Africa

OEB speaker Geraldine Voost

Geraldine Voost

Global L&D Manager, Bronkhorst High-Tech, Netherlands

OEB speaker Tom Wambeke

Tom Wambeke

Chief Learning Innovation, ITCILO, Italy