Luis Cadenas
Chief Executive Officer, RedCLARA, Peru
LUIS ELIECER CADENAS is a Computer Engineer with postgraduate studies in economics, telematics, networks and computer science, with almost 30 years of experience in the sector of information technology and telecommunications in the private and public sphere.
He has been co-founder, President and member of the Board of Directors of the national academic network of Venezuela, REACCIUN.
He was President of the Latin American Research Network Association (Enredo 1998-1999), member of the board of the National Center of Supercomputing of Venezuela (Cecalcula, 1997-1999), and the directory of the Park Technological of Sartenejas (1997-1999). He worked seventeen years in Cisco Systems Inc.
He is Executive Director of RedCLARA since August 1, 2017 (Orcid at https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9762-1986).