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Panels and Debates

The Role of Digitalisation in Shaping an Education-led Recovery for High-quality and Resilient Education

Date Friday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

The panel discussion is a joint initiative of ETUCE and EFEE, European Sectoral Social Partners in Education, seekings to bring together the perspectives of teachers, education employers, students and policymakers in education at the European level to discuss the future scenarios of education in the digital era.

Drawing on lessons from emergency online teaching and learning, the speakers at the panel will address a question that is crucial to the future of education: “How to support a systemic education-led recovery for a resilient and high-quality education in a digital area through the participation of all the stakeholders in education?”.

Building on the experience of social dialogue in education, the panel discussion will provide concrete ideas and policy recommendations combining the different perspectives of education stakeholders. Besides, the event will provide the participants with hands-on experience on how to implement a decision-making process that uses the method of the whole-school approach in education. Furthermore, participants will get an in-depth understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives of digitalisation in education, by discussing concrete testimonies and experiences from the speakers.

OEB speaker Samira Bührer

Samira Bührer

Policy Officer, EFEE

OEB speaker Martina Di Ridolfo

Martina Di Ridolfo

Programme Officer for Digitalisation and OSH, ETUCE

OEB speaker Rodrigo Melo

Rodrigo Melo

EFEE Vice-President and CEO , CNEF

OEB speaker Ruben Janssens

Ruben Janssens

Member of the Executive Committee European Students’ Union (ESU), Ghent University., Belgium


OEB speaker Larry Flanagan

Larry Flanagan

The ETUCE President, European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), Belgium