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Panel Presentation Session VID14

Flipper Stories: How Quality Videos Are Helping Educators to 'Flip the Classroom'

Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg III

If you use video for learning, this is a session not to be missed. Join to hear from speakers who were able to develop and facilitate the use of high-quality, effective videos in their different institutions. Did the creation and use of video lead to a greater sense of ownership for learners and educators?

OEB speaker Marie Dysgaard Christiansen

Marie Dysgaard Christiansen

Teacher - adjunkt - assistant Professor, KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Denmark

Make Sense of Online Video

OEB speaker Claudia Krebs

Claudia Krebs

Professor of Teaching, University of British Columbia, Canada

Choosing the Right Digital Media to Engage Learners Locally and Globally: Our UBC Experience

OEB speaker Morten Brekke

Morten Brekke

Assistant Professor, University of Agder - MatRIC, Norway

Modern Mathematics Teaching: "It’s all Digital"


OEB speaker Christel Schneider

Christel Schneider

Managing Director, CSiTrain, Germany