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OEB Boardroom BRM05

Refugees Welcome - Digital Information and Education Infrastructures (invitation only)

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomZille

OEB speaker Michael Teutsch

Michael Teutsch

Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Belgium

OEB speaker Ian Goldin

Ian Goldin

Professor of Globalisation and Development, University of Oxford, UK

OEB speaker Michael Härtel

Michael Härtel

Senior Researcher, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Germany

OEB speaker Maggie Mitchell Salem

Maggie Mitchell Salem

Executive Director, Qatar Foundation International, USA

OEB speaker Donald Clark

Donald Clark

eLearning Expert and Strategist, Plan B Learning, UK

OEB speaker Harold Elletson

Harold Elletson

Chairman, The New Security Foundation, UK

OEB speaker Robert Westermann

Robert Westermann

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Berufliches Qualifizierungsnetzwerk für Migrantinnen und Migranten e. V. (BQN Berlin e. V.), Germany


OEB speaker Nik Gowing

Nik Gowing

Broadcast Journalist, Broadcast Journalist, UK