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OEB speaker Michael Härtel

Michael Härtel

Senior Researcher, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Germany

Head of Section 3.2 “Digital Media, Distance Learning, Training Personnel”

Advisory services to the Federal Government and to the corporate sector in the thematical field of ICT-based VET learning and working environments, designing, launching, monitoring & evaluation of national funding programms, joint shaping of implementation strategies for high quality results into the world of work. Ongoing improvement of web based services for trainers in VET ( to support their daily practice of training in companies. Development of national standards for teacher & trainer qualification (Trainers`s Aptitude – AEVO,, designing of (web based) training moduls and tools for further training of teachers & trainers (e.g. IT-Literacy). Advisory services within BIBB´s international co-operation activities. Appraising, quality management and certifying of (web based) distance learning courses for continuous training.
