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Presentation Panel

Scaling, Teaching, and Certifying Together: Collaborative Partnerships Across Universities and Sectors

Date Thursday, Nov 23 Time   –   RoomDavos

In this Presentation Panel speakers will offer key considerations for universities seeking to scale their online education offers through cross-sector partnerships and across universities.

They will explore collaborative pedagogy in online degrees and a new model for blended learning courses that allows students from universities across Europe and beyond to earn credit together.

OEB speaker Pia Lundbom

Pia Lundbom

Principal Lecturer, Humak University of Applied Sciences, Finland

OEB speaker Lynn Evans

Lynn Evans

Strategic Director, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

OEB speaker Richard Powers

Richard Powers

Online Operations & Learning Designer for Virtual Exchange, University of Stuttgart (Professional School of Education), Germany


OEB speaker Claudia Röschmann

Claudia Röschmann

Associate Director for Design Innovation, Texas State University, United States of America

Collaborative Pedagogy for Online Degrees, Pia Lundbom

Transforming Online Education Through Cross Sector Partnerships, Lynn Evans

Blended Learning Courses for Transnational Credit, Collaboration & Interculturality: Promise for the Future!, Richard Powers