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XXX PANELIST Integrating Talent Development into an e-Business Bachelor Degree

Date Friday, Nov 25 Time   –   RoomKoepenick I/II

This session explains how a soft skills training for e-commerce students of the Copenhagen Business Academy (cphbusiness) has been developed, implemented and assessed during 2020-2021.

Based on an assessment of the neurological preferred patterns of the students, we followed a path of built-in personal development where student developed individual consciousness, worked with inclusion and diversity in study groups, enhanced their individual employability profile and focused on critical thinking.

Compared to previous cohorts, we invested more thoroughly in coaching sessions. Fixed agenda topics on these session were: How did you use each other’s soft skills/talents? When have you seen them at play? How did these insights improved your learning?

We compared the results with a control group of other bachelor students studying finance who were not exposed to the assessment, personal development process or coaching sessions.

At the end of the experiment, we analyzed if the additional investment resulted in a more relevant employability profile for our students.


  • How to integrate talent development into your curriculum.
  • How to build soft skills as an integrated part of your curriculum.

OEB speaker Per Bergfors

Per Bergfors

Associate Professor, cphbusiness, Denmark