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Presentation Panel

The Good, the Bad and the Limitations of AI in Education

Date Thursday, Nov 24 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg I

This panel recognises the potentials and pitfalls of using AI and machine learning to improve teaching and learning, but also shows its limitations and where the human brain wins the battle. Whether you curse AI or believe it’s a blessing, this session is for you!

OEB speaker Antonio Maratea

Antonio Maratea

Lecturer, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

OEB speaker Michael Heister

Michael Heister

Head of Department, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training


OEB speaker Sara de Freitas

Sara de Freitas

BT Professor, Director of the Digital Futures Institute and DigiTech Centre, University of Suffolk, UK, Wey Education Plc, United Kingdom

The Elastic Mind: Challenging AI, Antonio Maratea

AI – Curse Or Blessing for Learners?, Michael Heister