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How To

Redesign Sprint: Rethink Three Courses in One Day

Date Thursday, Nov 24 Time   –   RoomChess

Higher education is changing at breakneck speed and there is no sign of it slowing down. Currently, educational institutions around the world struggle with transitioning to blended learning. One of the biggest challenges is: How to design blended courses at scale?

In this hands-on How To session, the authors of Redesign Sprint will walk participants through their method, share tips for running it, and provide materials that will help participants implement it in their institutions, learning how to design a one-day collaborative workshop that results in finished blueprints for up to three different courses.


  • Learn how a successful Redesign Sprint is run.
  • Receive a blueprint of the workshop so you can run it yourself after a little preparation.

OEB speaker Nikos Basbas

Nikos Basbas

Educational Innovation Consultant, Tilburg University, Netherlands

OEB speaker Chiara Baldo

Chiara Baldo

Instructional Designer, Tilburg University