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Resilience at Work

Date Friday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomPavillon

In this session you’ll have a chance to meet and engage with others who are making sure that learning can have a bigger impact by investigating “resilience” in a pragmatic way. If we view resilience as having the capacity to re-shape, to develop the adaptive capacity to change, then we allows ourselves to approach the concept as a method, with a set of skills that are learnable and teachable. This approach can be applied to individuals, teams and organisations in their drive for resilience. How can these skills be acquired? How will you adapt to support resilience? What are your team’s needs to keep the pace and stay afloat?

OEB speaker Irina Matthews

Irina Matthews

Learning Services Coordinator, GÉANT Vereniging (Association), United Kingdom

OEB speaker Barbara Flügge

Barbara Flügge

Chief Resilience & Services Officer, digital value creators (DVC) Ltd., Switzerland


OEB speaker Laura Overton

Laura Overton

Analyst - Explorer - Writer - Facilitator, Learning Changemakers, United Kingdom

How Individual Resilience Drives Organisational Resilience, Barbara Flügge

Resilience as Learnable and Teacheable Skill for Individuals, Teams and Organisations, Irina Matthews