Resilience at Work
Date Friday, Dec 3 Time – RoomPavillon
In this session you’ll have a chance to meet and engage with others who are making sure that learning can have a bigger impact by investigating “resilience” in a pragmatic way. If we view resilience as having the capacity to re-shape, to develop the adaptive capacity to change, then we allows ourselves to approach the concept as a method, with a set of skills that are learnable and teachable. This approach can be applied to individuals, teams and organisations in their drive for resilience. How can these skills be acquired? How will you adapt to support resilience? What are your team’s needs to keep the pace and stay afloat?
Irina Matthews
Learning Services Coordinator, GÉANT Vereniging (Association), United Kingdom
Almost 20 years experience of being a teacher, trainer, facilitator, coach, learning and development practitioner and ... still enjoying it! Empowering effect of learning technologies, human capital development, organisational development and transforming communities via international development projects have been the focus of career and professionals interests against the backdrop of various organisational settings from big corporate business (American Express) to non-profit - further education and local government (UK) and for the past 4 years fast-paced, supremely diverse world of high speed connectivity at GÉANT.
Barbara Flügge
Chief Resilience & Services Officer, digital value creators (DVC) Ltd., Switzerland
A digitization and resilience management consultant with a worldwide reputation for ecosystem-wide transformation and business model implementation, Dr. Flügge applies 20+ years of c-suite experience with industry and technology leaders (SAP, Telekom, BMW, Volkswagen, Montblanc, Ariba, Transnet), of complex ecosystems (countries, cities, ports). She consults SDG projects for vulnerable groups, smart cities and regions. Dr. Barbara is an inspiring keynote speaker (MWC, Smart Cities Expo), bestselling author and trendscout. Through digital value creators (DVC) product based companies scale faster digitally. Her Mobility Moves Minds research over 2.5 years investigated the individual and organizational resiliency.
Laura Overton
Analyst - Explorer - Writer - Facilitator, Learning Changemakers, United Kingdom
I am an experienced international speaker, author and facilitator with a passion for exploring, challenging and sharing. I believe that the role of learning leaders in the changing workplace is to unlock the potential of business and people. My goal has always been to help learning leaders ensure that their organisations are equipped and ready through outcome-led and evidence informed practice.
Together we will co-create the future of learning - one where learning leaders will become business critical as they uncover new ways to add value. As the founder of Towards Maturity- I led a global research programme for 15 years, bringing a community of practitioners, policy makers, experts and suppliers together to investigate how learning innovation delivers business value.
I continue to investigate, to explore , to communicate insights and facilitate collaborative change in the industry through workshops, coaching and sounding board work via #LearningChangemakers and as co-founder of Emerging Stronger.
Tracking the L&D learning innovation journey since 2003, I have authored/ co-authored of over 70 major research reports and, as a regular contributor to industry publications I have written over 300 articles. I continue to play an active role in research working with the CIPD and other significant industry bodies.
As an industry change maker, I regularly share good practice findings as a keynote presenter at conferences around the globe and through masterclasses, webinars and seminars. I have served on several advisory boards including the original LPI Capability Map, the CIPD Professional Map and Learning boards, the Online Educa Global Council and the original Distributed Electronic Learning Group for the UK government.
I am an academic fellow of the CIPD, a fellow of the RSA and the first female recipient of the Learning and Performance Institute’s Colin Corder Award for outstanding achievement. I was also the first recipient of the Learning Technology award for outstanding achievement and regularly appear in the top influencer lists for our industry.
I am always willing to work with LearningChangemakers across the industry so please contact me if you would like to find out more about my writing, facilitation, coaching or soundingboard work.
How Individual Resilience Drives Organisational Resilience, Barbara Flügge
Corona demonstrated the lack of mental mobility of leaders to respond to negative events. The lack of acting raised the question of who or what is driving an organisational resilience. In a 2.5 years research project, Mobility Moves Minds identified the correlation of physical, digital and mental mobility. The unique MMM approach helps any individual regardless role & hierarchy, any organisation and leaders to identify obstacles, measure their impact and implement a resilient-driven business.
1. the make of Mobility Moves Minds - a resilience story of its own
2. how to read incidents - the organizational impact model
3. get to know the 7 building blocks of resilient organizations
4. practice the persona profiling tool to understand your very own resilience level and the ones of your organizational assets
Resilience as Learnable and Teacheable Skill for Individuals, Teams and Organisations, Irina Matthews
The pandemic presented L&D professionals with a unique opportunity to review, rebuild and take on more pro-active role to support organisations in developing resilience as a way to maintain organisations' adaptive capacity.
Developing resilience a set of teachable and learnable skills of sustaining continuous change without compromise to well-being, can become the way for organisations to re-engage with the workforce in the post-covid realignment.
Based on Resilience Dynamic model ( participants will gain an insight into different levels of Resilience and a set of practical tools that allow to develop greater sustainability of adaptive capacity to meet life challenges.