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Learning Cafés LEC304

Breaking Yesterday

Date Wednesday, Dec 2 Time   –   Room

Climate change is not caused by ‘nature’, it is the unintended consequence of self-destructive human activity. The inability to learn fast and the slowness to embrace disruptive innovation is not normal human behavior, it is the unintended consequence of a self-destructive balance between our current educational system and the organization of work. Without realizing, education has become a copy machine and companies have become copy employers. In order to survive our self-destructive nature we have to break the power of ‘discipline & intelligence’ and embrace the power of ‘passion & talents’. We have to allow and promote disruptive innovation in the organization of learning & working. This Learning Café will focus on the dramatic consequences when embracing this switch. You will become disrupted!
With your conference ticket you can attend and participate in all conference sessions. Please note though, that the number of seats for Learning Cafés and for Knowledge Exchanges are limited to allow for maximum interaction and dialogue.

OEB speaker Jef Staes

Jef Staes

Architect Learning & Innovative Organizations, Red Monkey Company, Belgium