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Opening Plenary OEB Global 2019

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I and III

Amidst the emerging contours of the future, we are discovering learning. Learning as we have never known it before. Learning unleashed. Boundless learning. Learning without limits. We have moved beyond exploration to discovery. We see and experience what can happen. We feel the new, the imaginative, the unthinkable within our grasp. At the Opening Plenary of OEB 2019 we will be "discovering learning".

OEB speaker Iyad Rahwan

Iyad Rahwan

Founder of the Center for Humans & Machines at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Associate Professor at the MIT Media Lab

OEB speaker Wei Cui

Wei Cui

Co-founder & Chief Scientist of Squirrel AI Learning

OEB speaker Audrey Watters

Audrey Watters

Freelance Writer, Education writer at Hack Education, independent scholar and author


OEB speaker Donald H. Taylor

Donald H. Taylor

Chairman, Chair, Learning Technologies Conference Track