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Panel Discussion LTG104

Learning Technologies Opening Conversation

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

What is really happening in workplace learning today? In the opening conversation for the Learning Technologies track, three experienced, leading practitioners share a candid view of what happens when organisations implement the ideas that we hear discussed in theory at conferences and elsewhere. How do you, for example, ensure buy-in, manage change and ensure new technology works reliably? What is the most difficult part of implementing learning technologies, and which the most rewarding? Join our candid panel for an open discussion of how to really make learning change successfully in your organisation.

OEB speaker Tony White

Tony White

Allianz SE, Germany

OEB speaker Helge Lippert

Helge Lippert

Vice President Human Resources - Head of Learning and Development, Hilti Corporation, Liechtenstein

OEB speaker Henrietta Palmer

Henrietta Palmer



OEB speaker Donald H. Taylor

Donald H. Taylor

Chairman, Chair, Learning Technologies Conference Track, UK