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Pre-Conference Workshop A7

Distance Learning in Europe – Exchange of Experience and Knowledge Sharing

Date Wednesday, Dec 5 Time   –   RoomLincke Price: free of charge Status: fully booked

Workshop leaders

OEB speaker Jens Greefe

Jens Greefe

Vice President / Chairman of EADL Research and Development Committee, EADL, Germany

OEB speaker John Trasler

John Trasler

Director & Owner, European Association for Distance Learning (EADL), UK


OEB speaker Birger Tralau

Birger Tralau

Leiter des Online-Studienzentrums, Forum DistancE-Learning, Germany

OEB speaker Anja C. Wagner

Anja C. Wagner

Konzeption & Beratung, FrolleinFlow - Institute for creative flaneurs, Germany

OEB speaker András Szücs

András Szücs

Secretary General, Director Distance Education Center, European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), Hungary


Within the framework of OEB, the organisers of this Pre-Conference Workshop intend to create an opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing for participants who offer programs for lifelong learning and vocational education using distance learning methods. The intention is to establish an international forum enabling the participants to develop a position regarding the variety of technological developments for digital teaching and learning programs in the field of distance learning.

Target audience

The Workshop is for Distance Education experts who want to expand their network and share their knowledge with others and for anyone who is interested in distance learning methods as well. The Workshop is especially for those who work in the adult education business.

Participants should be familiar with distance education and/or adult and vocational education.


  • Receiving knowledge of using learning analytics in distance learning programs
  • Gaining information about the position of the EU according distance learning
  • Expanding networks and supporting the sharing of knowledge in Distance Education
  • Get together in an international framework



Welcome by Jens Greefe, European Association for Distance Learning (EADL), Forum DistancE-Learning (FDL)


Video Message by Helga Trüpel, Member of the European Parliament, Vice Chair of the Committee for Culture and Education


Introduction by John Trasler (moderator), European Association for Distance Learning (EADL)


Learning Analytics in continuing vocational education & training


Many New Concepts, a Lot of Confusion, Some Buzzwords and Their Definitions by Birger Tralau, Forum DistancE-Learning (FDL)


Do Adults Really Need Data-supported Recommendation Systems?
Anja C. Wagner, FrolleinFlow - Institute for Creative Flaneurs, Germany


Coffee Break


Learning in Transition in the EU - What's ahead by 2020?
Andras Szücs, European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN)


End of the Workshop