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OEB speaker Anja C. Wagner

Anja C. Wagner

Konzeption & Beratung, FrolleinFlow - Institute for creative flaneurs, Germany

Dr. Anja C. Wagner deals with global transformation in the digital age.

In the last two decades, she managed numerous digital education projects for (big) companies, universities, NGOs and independent initiatives. There are also ten years of teaching and research in universities. She is considered a creative trendsetter and describes herself as an educational transformer. Her purpose is, to empower individuals, institutions and regions to connect to modern, networked learning environments.

As an expert at the interface between globally linked work and digital education, she focusses on the topics of user experience, education policy, workflow management and our future in a networked society. To this end, she likes to rely on her growing (online) network to develop new formats, online courses, e-books and community networks as well as practicing Citizen Science.

Today, she offers studies, lectures, consulting and various online projects under the umbrella of FrolleinFlow GbR. FLOWCAMPUS is one of those online projects. It's an innovative network of creative people, bringing together the needs of small and medium companies with the networking skills of the creative class.

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