Kjetil Brathetland
Senior Adviser, Vestland Fylkeskommune, Norway
Kjetil Brathetland is employed as a Senior Advisor for Vestland County Administration, Norway. He has been working on different projects for the Department of Education at the County Admininstration for the last 20 years, all aiming to develop digital literacy/ competencies in upper secondary schools in Vestland. He has previously been working for two university conference secretariats and as a teacher in upper secondary schools. Kjetil has his education from the University of Bergen, Norway, with a major in history.
He is currently working on: The Best Practice Conference (Dei gode Døma), and an ICT-strategy for all schools i Vestland - with AI in learning as a central point of focus.
Kjetil Brathetland has participated three times holding sessions at OEB, last time as a moderator with Jeannette Schmid, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany at an unconference session called "Keeping an Eye on Pedagogical Goals - When to Pull the Digital Reins"