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OEB speaker Albert Angehrn

Albert Angehrn

Professor, INSEAD, France

Albert started his academic career with a doctoral degree in Mathematics from ETH-Z, the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.

More than 30 years ago he joined INSEAD - one of the most prestigious Business Schools with campuses in Fontainebleau, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and San Francisco.

It is there that he focused his research on:
- Studying the complexity of large global organizations in many different sectors, and in particular Change and Collaboration dynamics,
- Analyzing how Information Technology enables companies to rapidly transform themselves to reach higher performance levels.

Albert also developed a true passion for Management Games & Simulations.
- He directed for more than 10 years INSEAD’s Research Centre on Advanced Learning Technologies.
- He developed over the years more than 30 Management Games & Simulations (almost 1 per year) many of which are used extensively in all the best Management Schools worldwide, including Cambridge, Stanford and the top Chinese universities.
- The Games he is working on these days are for instance designed to help managers understand how to best take advantage of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence, which are 2 areas in which he has published extensively".