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OEB speaker Mariana Mocanu

Mariana Mocanu

Professor, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Mariana Mocanu, full professor, with habilitation, was head of the Computer Science Department between 2016 – 2020. Currently she is the president of the QA Commission of the University Senate, member of the Faculty Council. She is in charge with the"e-Governance" master study programm and participates in the development of the ERASMUS Knowledge Alliance project - IT in Aviation. She was member of the national team that developed, implemented and self-assessed the National Qalification Framework and coordinated the team that developed the National Register for Qualifications in Higher Education.

She participated in several national and european projects related to quality assurance in HE. She participated in several activities concerning the development of digital society, like: coordinator of the team that published the report “Industrie 4.0 in Rumänien. Einblicke und Ausblicke”, published in “Abhandlungen der Leibnitz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften, Band 54 – Industrie 4.0 zwischen Idee und Realität; participation at the Annual conference of the International Network on Cultural Diversity and New Media at the University of Potsdam, 2019. She also coordinates World University Service – Romanian Committe, an NGO that promotes the human right to education.