Julian Pommer
M.Sc. Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Julian Prommer grew up with computers and had already slight contact with E-Learning at school in the late 90s. He saw the rising of E-Learning at the Technical University Darmstadt as a student from 2004 on, as a tutor from 2007 on, and as a technical assistant for scale courses between 2012 to 2018 including meeting management for homework colloquiums and live examination of automated graded homework as computer exams.
His master thesis had the topic “Design of Computer Examination Processes and Systems for Technical University Darmstadt” in 2019. His next carrier step was joining the introduction of computer exams of the Center of Educational Development and Technology project of the TUDa. The Covid 19 Pandemic accelerated the introduction of computer exams and opened a wide field of experiments. The upcoming topics will be diversity, live plans, internationalization, and antidiscrimination in (computer) exam processes.