Graham Attwell
Director, Pontydysgu, UK
Graham Attwell is Director of Pontydysgu.
He is an Associate Fellow, Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick and a Gastwissenschaftler at the Insititut Technik und Bildung, University of Bremen.
Born in 1953 he has a BA (Hons) degree in History from the University of Wales: Swansea College.
He was previously Director of the Centre for Research and Educational Development at Gwent Tertiary College (1993-1996) and a Senior Researcher at the University of Bremen (1996-9)
His experience includes: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning and web-based learning environment development: Specialised in research and development into pedagogies for Technology Enhanced Learning, Pontydysgu has organised a series of face to face and on-line workshops for teachers in producing Open Education resources. Consultant to OECD and UNESCO on open content development and consultant to the European Centre for Vocational Education and Training (CEDEFOP) on virtual communities and knowledge harvesting. Experience of national project evaluation and national and international programme evaluation in relation to innovations in learning, including use of ICT to support learning: Evaluation of the EU Leonardo da Vincirecognition of informal learning, training of teachers and trainers and development of open source software for education and Open Educational Resources. Recent work has focused on research and development of new applications and approaches to e-Portfolios and Personal Learning Environments and use of social software for learning and knowledge development. Experienced in the use of ICT for e-Learning, developing, delivering and moderating e-learning programmes for teachers and trainers in initial training and for professional development. programme on technology enhanced learning, evaluator for the DG Research IST programme, evaluator of the HEFC JISC e-Learning programme. Currently consultant for the JISC Emerge programme.