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OEB speaker Antonio Vantaggiato

Antonio Vantaggiato

Professor, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Puerto Rico

Antonio Vantaggiato has many years of experience as both professor of computer science and researcher in computing applied to education and AI. He has published and presented in many venues, including prestigious conferences like e-Learn, ED-MEDIA and Online Educa. He had the opportunity to offer workshops on Web-based education at ED-MEDIA 2005 (Montreal) and 2019 (Amsterdam) and earlier in a series of workshops and keynotes on the same topic for the US federal TRIO Programs in New York, Los Angeles and New Orleans.

While he was a Scholar-in-Residence with NYU’s Faculty Resource Network he started working on the research project Zen of Teaching (see and showcased it in a number of presentations, including a keynote at Tulane University and an informal talk within George Siemens’s Change11 MOOC. His (lazy) blog is at
