Kirill Barannikov
Head, Moscow City University, Russia
Kirill Barannikova is head of the department of strategic growth in Moscow City University (MCU, www.mgpu.ru). MCU - is one of the leading teacher university in Russia. Working in MCU Kirill has led a number of project for Moscow schools and Moscow government.
Among the most striking projects are the online platform for teachers to create curricula (www.prok.edu.ru), the electronic platform for assessing the quality of the educational environment (www.ecers.ru, www.sacers.ru), internet service for supporting and developing initiatives (www.zamisli.pro).
Over the past ten years, Kirill headed the center for distance education of children with disabilities of the Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the center of curricula design and standards of the Academy of Social Management, was deputy director at the Institute of System Projects of MCU. He coordinated over 40 research of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
In 2016-2019, he coordinated several big researches about the national models for school curricula regulation, competency models. The main areas of interest are competency models in school education, issues of standardization and curricula design in an international context, change management in schools and universities.