Victor Molero
Chief Academic Officer, ISDI Education, Spain
Co-founder and Academic Director of ISDI (Digital Business School); Academic Director of the International Digital Business Seminar at RCCHarvard; Director of the Master in Neuromarketing in Universidad Complutense. Victor is a Graduate at the School of Communication and Information Sciences, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He holds an MBA from EAP Paris, and a Master in Communication by the United Nations. He is PhD in Communication and Information Sciences, form Universidad Complutense, where he holds a tenure position as Professor of Marketing. Founder and director of important initiatives such as the Chair "Banco Santander" of Employer Branding, and the Observatory of Marketing Practices. Visiting professor of universities in Europe and Latin America. Author of more tan 20 books and numerous scientific and divulgative articles. Director of more than 10 doctoral thesys and many research projects.