Valerie Mocker
Nesta, UK
Valerie Mocker is Director of Development & European Digital Policy at Nesta, the innovation foundation. Nesta ensures that innovation benefits everyone by investing in, testing and scaling (digital) solutions that improve people's lives and tackle the big challenges of our time.
She advocates the opportunities of digtalisation, social innovation and entrepreneurship as a speaker at events including re:publica, CeBIT, the OECD Forum and the Global Entrepreneurship Congress and through her commentaries for international newspapers such as BBC, The Economist or Die Zeit.
Valerie joined the "40 under 40" list by Capital magazine in 2017.
Before joining Nesta in 2013, Valerie worked for E.ON's strategy unit for renewable energy and as a researcher in behavioural economics. She holds two degrees, both with a distinction, from the University of Oxford.