Tunde Varga-Atkins
Learning Technology Developer, Centre for Innovation in Education, University of Liverpool, UK
As a Learning Technology Developer I support staff across the University in their curriculum and technology-enhanced development as well as being engaged in research and evaluation. One of my main research areas is exploring digital capabilities. I am currently writing up my thesis on digital capabilities in the disciplines for the e-Research and TEL PhD programme at Lancaster University. I have also led a number of institutional research and evaluation projects, such as evaluating the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) Baseline and EMA (Electronic Management of Assessment) and have contributed at a more strategic level, including co-leading the University’s Digital Literacies Working Group. I also convene a regional research group, ELESIG NW with colleagues from the UK North-West and represent our regional group on the national committee of ELESIG. My interest in visual and other research methods, such as the nominal group technique all feature in my research and evaluation work.