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OEB speaker Steven Ney

Steven Ney

D-Fellow, Hasso Plattner Institut, D-School, Germany

Steven Ney completed his doctorate in the policy sciences at the Department of Comparative Politics in the University of Bergen. Trained as a policy analyst at the University of London, Steven Ney has worked on a wide range of policy issues in a number of research institutes including the LOS Center in Bergen, ICCR in Vienna and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg. After spending four years from 2005 as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Singapore Management University, Steven Ney took up the Chair of Social Entrepreneurship at Jacobs University, Bremen in August 2009. Starting as a researcher of environmental issues, particularly climate change, Steven Ney has developed an interest in analysing the way societies deal with complex and uncertain policy challenges. Recently, Steven Ney has concentrated on social innovation and social entrepreneurship as a means of bringing about institutional change.

Since November 2014, Steven Ney is a D-Fellow at the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam. Apart from developing the international relations of the HPI School of Design Thinking, he is currently designing and implementing a certification process for D-Thinking Coaches.
