Pim Bellinga
CEO, Grasple, The Netherlands
Pim is the co-founder of Grasple, where his mission is to make knowledge open to everyone.
He is an engineer by training, graduated from the Technical University of Delft in 2013, with a MSc in Systems Engineering and Policy Analysis.
What got him into education was a conversation with friends. Their opinion was unanimous: they hated statistics! The more he talked about it, the more interested he got. He started teaching statistics (and still does). Through his teaching, Pim experienced that if people can practice online and at their own pace, then everyone can learn statistics. Additionally, this leaves more room for interesting activities and conversations during class time.
In 2014, Pim started a social enterprise to make topics like statistics accessible to everyone. First only statistics, now math, research methods and linear algebra as well.
Grasple was born: a user-friendly platform where teachers can find, edit, and share open learning materials, mainly on math and statistics.