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OEB speaker Maaly Nassar

Maaly Nassar

Senior Research Scientist, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

I am a senior e-learning and e-research scientist/consultant at the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) of Freie Universität Berlin. I'm currently teaching courses and conducting cognitive neuroscience research on serious games.

I studied Veterinary Medicine and Cognitive Neuroscience and obtained my doctor degree in Veterinary Medicine from Freie Universität Berlin. My dissertation dealt with developing a virtual problem-based environment titled "Equine Virtual Farm" and investigating its influence on students’ cognitive performance. I believe strongly that this type of training environments will play a vital role in the non-pharmacological enhancement of creative thinking in healthy and impaired adults. In view of that, I'm currently working on investigating the influence of cognitive training within problem-based virtual environments on brain plasticity.

In addition and because I believe that mining knowledge and relationships can be extremely useful for developing machine experts in disease prophylaxis and therapy, I worked additionally in developing semantic computing algorithms using machine learning. My algorithms focused on discovering knowledge and retrieving relationships across different information resources in both scientific (e.g. PubMed) and humanities fields (e.g. First World War scholar articles).