Heba Ledwon
Head of Academic Partnerships, Kiron Open Higher Education gGmbH, Germany
Heba Ledwon is Head of Academic Partnerships at Kiron Open Higher Education, where she works on the connections between EdTech and policy-makers in the higher education sector. Topics that spark her enthusiasm include strategic partnerships for a digital transformation and open access to education and knowledge resources through digital solutions. She is also an expert in the field of integration of refugees into educational and labour markets. Particularly, her previous position as a policy officer and credential evaluator at the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) allowed her to shape and contribute to major developments in this field. She also advised migrants and refugees with regard to recognition of their foreign professional qualifications with the Network Intetgration Through Qualification (IQ). Heba Ledwon holds a Master degree from Freie Universität Berlin in the fields of Philosophy and Political Science.