Ger Driesen
Learning Innovation Leader, aNewSpring, The Netherlands
Think of someone connecting people, ideas and inspiration in the global L&D community and you've just created a good description of Ger Driesen. He is the Learning Innovation Leader at aNewSpring, the provider of a learning experience platform. In this role, he focusses on sharing the latest insights with L&D professionals to inspire them to design, developed and deliver learning the best way.
During his career, he has had a variety of L&D roles, from L&D consultant, trainer and facilitator, to L&D manager and entrepreneur. He's known as 'the Dutch L&D trendcatcher' based on his articles, blogs and tweets on L&D trends and he is a regular speaker at international conferences. Ger's crazy about coffee especially cappuccino’s - most likely because he likes all things smooth. He can be reached via @email or @GerDriesen