Peter A. Bruck
Gesamtleiter und Geschäftsführer, KnowledgeFox GmbH, Austria
Peter A. Bruck is the world’s pioneering expert in microlearning, microcontent, micromedia and return-on-investment when using smartphones, tablets or desktop computers for micro-education.
Prof. Bruck has invented the term “microlearning” in 2004; he has conducted many influential research projects since then and published key books in the field, such as ‘Global Mobile: Applications and Innovations for the Worldwide Mobile Ecosystem’ (Ed. with Madanmohan Rao) Medford, NJ & New York: Information Today Inc., 2013; ‘Microlearning & Capacity-building’ (Author and Editor with Martin Lindner) Innsbruck University Press, 2008; ‘Micromedia and Corporate Learning’ (Ed. with Martin Lindner) Innsbruck University Press, 2007; ‘Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: Gaining the big picture’ (Ed. with Theo Hug, Martin Lindner) Innsbruck University Press, 2006; and ‘Microlearning: Emerging Concepts, Practices and Technologies’ (Ed. with Theo Hug, Martin Lindner) Innsbruck University Press, 2006.
In 2012, Prof. Bruck founded a successful start-up company called KnowledgeFox GmbH which develops and distributes innovative self-learning microlearning solutions to B2B-customers in currently more than 25 countries in the world. Among the distinguished customers are the eGovernment Authority of Bahrain, the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Rekindle Learning South Africa, the Robert Morris University Pittsburgh or worldwide operating companies such as Samsung.
In addition to his entrepreneurial activity, Peter A. Bruck is one of Europe’s leading multimedia professors and IT researchers specializing in technology enhanced learning, knowledge systems, smart agent technology, pervasive computing and big data analytics. He has founded, built and managed entire research centers and universities in Austria, Canada and the USA.
As Honorary President of the ICNM - International Center for New Media, Peter A. Bruck is the main visionary behind the United Nations World Summit Award on e-Content. This United Nations mandated initiative is based on an extensive network of companies, professional organizations, governments and UN agencies. With national contests and national experts in more than 168 countries, this award is the international benchmark for excellence in digital content ranging from websites and apps to interactive installations.
Bruck has advised companies and governments in Europe, North America, the Arab Region and Africa and has lead young people to use Internet and Mobiles to act on the UN MDGs.
Bruck has authored the EU white book on electronic publishing and the future of knowledge society for the European Union and chaired the research programs on digital transformation for the European print media industry and the broadcasting industry in Canada.
Bruck works as CEO and Chief Researcher of the Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Austria’s public-private research network of innovation excellence to bring technology innovations from universities into markets. Bruck acts also as honorary President of the ICNM-International Center for New Media, Salzburg, which has pioneered in Europe and around the world the selection and promotion of best practice in ICT applications and multimedia contents.
Peter A. Bruck is passionate about innovations which deliver an added value for users, creating a high quality knowledge society with new media and ICTs. He has studied at universities of Vienna, Iowa and at McGill, Montreal, and holds doctorates in law and in communications and MAs in sociology and economics. He has won competitive research grants from leading social science and technology research funds in the US, Canada and Austria, and most successfully in the European Union.
In the innovation business, Bruck has been senior partner in ICRA - International Communications Research Associates, Ottawa. From 2001-03, Bruck was Chief Content Officer of the Austrian Telekom Group and on the Board of Management and lead the Business Unit on Interactive Media.
He is successful as start-up entrepreneur and innovator helping more than 25 young companies to develop their technologies and businesses.