Jill Margerison
Associate Dean of E-Learning, The Southport School, Australia
Jill holds a PhD in Political Science and International Relations and has worked in Tokyo as an editor, writer and teacher. She writes on her teacher blog, maintains a teaching YouTube channel, and publishes articles on growth mindset, collaborative communities, teenage literacy engagement and constructivist teaching practice. In 2014, she was selected to lead an International Boys School Coalition Action Research project on Maker Culture; an approach inspired by educationalist Seymour Papert. In 2015, Jill was further awarded a fellowship through The Asia Education Foundation to implement an e-twinning project with a Malaysian school in Pahang. In 2016, Jill was asked by the Department of Education to represent Australia as an educational leader on the South-East Asian Education Summit held at Nanyang University in Singapore. Jill is a trained IB examiner and more recently been selected as a trial external examiner in the Queensland Syllabus.