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OEB speaker Yishay Mor

Yishay Mor

Educational Design Scientist, MOOCs & Co., Spain

Dr. Yishay Mor is a consultant in educational innovation and technology and the educational design scientist at PAU Education, Barcelona. His main areas of expertise are Learning Design, Educational Design Research, and teacher professional development. Dr. Mor has also explored the new possibilities opened up by social and mobile technologies for learning, and specifically the potential these have in developing contexts. In recent years, Dr. Mor has established himself as an expert on Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). 
Dr. Mor has published extensively, has participated in multiple EU and UK funded projects, and had founded the STELLAR network of excellence Learning Design Grid theme team. He has co-edited two books: "Practical Design Patterns for Teaching and Learning with Technology" and "The Art and Science of Learning Design", and special issues of several journals. He is editor in chief of eLearning Papers.
