Maruja Gutiérrez-Diaz
Senior Advisor, Expert on Education, Spain
Maruja Gutiérrez-Diaz has degrees in architecture and in urban planning from the School of Architecture, University of Madrid. A postgraduate research grant at the University of Edinburgh got her into computers and changed her professional life forever. After some years working as a consultant, she was appointed Head of the Centre for Information and Documentation of the Madrid Metropolitan Area, in charge of regional information systems.
She joined the European Commission in 1988, as specialist in new technologies. The highlights of her European career have been the upgrade and networking of Commission´s libraries, the launching of the Europa server, the eLearning initiative, which evolved into a fully-fledged program for innovation and education, and the European Year of Creativity and Innovation.
Recently retired from the Commission, she is setting back at Madrid as an independent consultant in the fields of innovation and education.