Laura Overton
Managing Director, Towards Maturity, UK
Laura Overton has over 2 decades of experience helping organisations to improve business impact of learning technologies in the workplace.
She is the Managing Director of Towards Maturity – a not for profit organisation that provides research and online resources to help organisations deliver effective learning intervention at work.
Laura is the co-author of ‘Driving Business Benefits’ (09) and ‘Towards Maturity’ (07) – two studies with over 500 organisations into effective e-learning practices in the workplace. She is also the author of ‘Linking Learning To Business’ – one of the first studies with both organisations and learners looking at good practice of successful implementations (Jan 04).
Laura is a founding ambassador for Next Generation Learning @ Work, a national initiative in the UK backed by Becta to promote the effective use of technology in learning, training and development in the workplace, colleges and schools.
She works with government policy makers representing employer interests and has contributed to initiatives associated with the European Commission, the UK’s Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and Becta both in her current organisation and as a member the original advisory board to the LSC.
Laura is a Fellow of the Institute of IT training and of the British Institute of Learning and Development and is a popular industry commentator.