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The Spotlight Stage SPL04

Design Thinking: The Creative Power of Teams

Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time   –   RoomPotsdam III

After 25 years of working in the film, 3D animation and computer games industry, Prof. Uli Weinberg didn´t hesitate a second to take on the challenge of building an institute which focuses on innovation in all areas of life. Since 2007 he has been driving success for learners and leaders at the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam.

How can you apply design thinking principles such as “network thinking” for “the campus of the future” in your work and for your learners? In this session on the Spotlight Stage, Weinberg shares examples of innovative solutions, current research and best practices from all over the world, to inspire you with design thinking as a process and a mindset.


OEB speaker Ulrich Weinberg

Ulrich Weinberg

Director, HPI School of Design Thinking, Germany