The Spotlight Stage SPL01
Education 1.0 to 3.0
Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time – RoomPotsdam III
Professor Gilly Salmon has been a learning innovator for more than 20 years and is one of the world’s leading thinkers in digital and blended learning. She researches and publishes widely on the themes of innovation and change in higher education and the exploitation of new technologies of all kinds in the service of learning. She is internationally renowned for her significant contributions to education futures, including research, innovation, program design, teaching methods and the use of new technologies.
This exciting Spotlight Stage session kicks off the track with insights into what education 3.0 may look like - and how to get there! Prospect the education in your context! Catch a strand from the past and drive to an emergent web of learning from the future! For the courageous: this will be an active and participative session!
Gilly Salmon
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education Innovation), University of Western Australia, Australia
Professor Gilly Salmon is one of the world's leading thinkers around learning futures and pedagogical innovation. She researches and publishes widely on the themes of innovation and change in Higher Education and the exploitation of new technologies of all kinds in the service of learning. She is internationally renowned for her significant contributions to online education including research, learning design, teaching methods and the use of digital technologies.
Gilly is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education Innovation) at The University of Western Australia (UWA). She has established The Centre for Education Futures to realize UWA's Education Futures principles and visions, including the 'Mobile is the new Blend', establishment of the futures and radical thinking and achievements through the Futures Observatory, the collaborative design of UWA teaching units through the Carpe Diem methodology and the achievements of extensive digital learning environments for the university.
Previously, she was Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning Transformations at Swinburne University of Technology, Executive Director and Professor (Learning Futures) at the Australian Digital Futures Institute, based in the University of Southern Queensland, Australia and was Professor of E-learning and Learning Technologies, and Head of the Beyond Distance Research Alliance and the Media Zoo, at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom.
Recent publications include the third edition of her seminal E-moderating, the 2nd Edition of E-tivies, Learning in Groups and Podcasting for Learning.