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Plenary D

Limitless Learning

Date Friday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

Who owns learning? Who should own it? Can it be owned? How should it be controlled? Or regulated? As learning moves towards the learner, new forms of collaboration and content-creation are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. How far can the transfer of ownership go? What are the implications for the nature and quality of education? Will educators and learners be empowered by change? Or will they be enslaved by it?

OEB speaker Alec Couros

Alec Couros

Professor of Educational Technology & Media, University of Regina, Canada

Moving Beyond Techno-utopian Narratives of Open & Networked Learning

OEB speaker Martin Eyjólfsson

Martin Eyjólfsson

Botschafter, Embassy of Iceland, Germany

Iceland - Challenges and Opportunities for Education

OEB speaker Diana Laurillard

Diana Laurillard

Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies, UCL Knowledge Lab, UK

Owning Learning: Whose Responsibility Is It

OEB speaker Mark Surman

Mark Surman

Executive Director, Mozilla Foundation, Canada

Web Literacy Empowers People - and Keeps the Internet Healthy


OEB speaker Jan Pakulski

Jan Pakulski

Head of Unit (Studies, Impact Assessments, Analysis and Statistics), European Commission, Belgium