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Interactive Breakout Session OPN62

Disruption and Open Badges

Date Friday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomChess

How can 21st century skills be reflected transparently for learners, educators, employers, policy-makers and other stakeholders? The disruptive element of Open Badges for all learners in different sectors lies in the fact that they support ownership, are able to offer flexible recognition and can respond to current workplace needs.

This session takes you to the future of badges. Learn about the ins and outs on how to include “evidence” and recognise credentials. It shares how large scale projects and platforms can be established to meet needs. And the facilitators aim to discuss together the kind of responsibilities you, your learners and the systems we currently work with should be able to handle.

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OEB speaker Matteo Bertazzo

Matteo Bertazzo

Project Manager, CINECA, Italy

Bestr: Open Badges and xAPI to Capture and Valorize Learning Experiences into the Student Information System

OEB speaker Ilona Buchem

Ilona Buchem

Visiting Professor of Digital Media & Diversity, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany

Open Badges for Distributed Assessment of 21st Century Skills