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Interactive Breakout Session OPN45


Date Friday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg I

In our networked world, ‘disinformation’ can be spread more easily than ever before, often with devastating consequences. What is ‘disinformation’? Who is spreading it and how? Why has it become such an important part of modern ‘hybrid warfare’? Are we living in a ‘post-truth‘ world and what is the effect of ‘fake stories’ in the media and on social networks? Are our perceptions being manipulated and our opinions managed by others? How concerned should we be about the distortion of facts and information? These are among the questions to be discussed at our ‘disinformation conversation’, when we’ll be looking at how education and training can deal with the problem of deliberately manipulated information.

OEB speaker Guy Pfeffermann

Guy Pfeffermann

CEO, Global Business School Network (GBSN), USA

OEB speaker Peter Isackson

Peter Isackson

Managing Director, Skillscaper, France

OEB speaker Join the Conversation

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OEB speaker Harold Elletson

Harold Elletson

Chairman, The New Security Foundation, UK