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Interactive Breakout Session OPN38

For Virtual Learners – The Value and the Price: Discussing Open Online Courses

Date Friday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomChess

Learners worldwide have the opportunity to access relevant course subjects. They are able to experience what tailored, personalised learning means and can gain knowledge and credits. But if open online learning can be equivalent or even superior to face-to-face education, what does this mean for the value and the price of MOOCs for institutions, for learning communities, for learners and for the creation of new knowledge?

OEB speaker Diana Laurillard

Diana Laurillard

Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies, UCL Knowledge Lab, UK

OEB speaker Stephen Downes

Stephen Downes

Research Officer, National Research Council (NRC), Canada

MOOCs and the Future of Open Online Learning

OEB speaker Nina Huntemann

Nina Huntemann

Director of Academics and Research, edX, USA

Always Learning: Reimagining Education for 21st Century Challenges

OEB speaker Konstantin Scheller

Konstantin Scheller

Policy Officer – Innovation in education: Digital Technologies, OER, Copyright, European Commission, Belgium


OEB speaker Brian Mulligan

Brian Mulligan

Programme Manager (Development), Centre for Online Learning, Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland