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Panel Presentation Session DES07

For Change-Making in Higher Education – Future Education: Meeting Needs or Missing the Mark?

Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time   –   RoomSchöneberg

This session invites you to explore the shifting meeting point of learner needs and educational institutions offerings. The question in focus will be: what can we change to prepare students for the future? Insights from different countries will set the scene.

OEB speaker Christien Bok

Christien Bok

Programme Manager, SURF, The Netherlands

What is 'Flexible and Personalised Education' Anyway? The Current State in Dutch Higher Education

OEB speaker Stavros Xanthopoylos

Stavros Xanthopoylos

International Director, ABED - Brazilian Association of Distance Learning, Brazil

Strategy for Owning Learning: The Any Student, Any Content and My Credentials Scope

OEB speaker Philipp Höllermann

Philipp Höllermann

Head of Online Learning Solutions, International University Bad Honnef - Bonn (IUBH), Germany

Is Virtual the Next Mobile? Students’ Expectations Towards Digital Distance Learning

OEB speaker Jan Pakulski

Jan Pakulski

Head of Unit (Studies, Impact Assessments, Analysis and Statistics), European Commission, Belgium


OEB speaker Gordon Slaven

Gordon Slaven

Managing Director, Slaven Consultancy Services Ltd, UK