Interactive Breakout Session BUS21
Supporting the Flexible Worker
Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time – RoomTegel
As alternative employment arrangements rise and work spaces become ever more global and flexible, how can L&D align work and learning, engage the flexible worker and offer support to the needs and wellbeing of today’s workforce where-ever they are? Join for a dialogue on how we can adapt what we do, so that they can do even better what they do.
Geraldine Voost
Senior Learning Technologies Specialist, HeidelbergCement Benelux, The Netherlands
Improving Employee Well-being by Applying Co-creation and Blended Learning Principles
Work experience has always been a mix of psychology and IT, I like working in the area where these two interact. After graduating I lived and worked in the UK for 5 years. In addition to that I've also worked on long-term projects in Ireland (Dublin), the US, as well as instructional/curriculum design & facilitating workshops and (classroom) training all over Europe, the US, and India.
Projects included: evaluating e-learning on usability, introducing e-learning in an IT software & consultancy firm, introducing e-learning in an industrial area, designing/developing/project management of e-learning courses, and LMS system administration. Most of the time on a low budget, which means coming up with creative solutions.
Educational Background
Masters degree in Cognitive Science (Radboud University Nijmegen) with a Psychology base. Langevin certified instructional designer. Certified PCM Trainer. Certified in OPQ Assessments.
Personal Background
47 years old, married, 2 cats, member of the board at the Dutch Dance Sports Federation, NADB (responsible for IT and Communication) after having competed myself at the highest level until May 2016.
Clark Quinn
Executive Director, Quinnovation, USA
From Learning to Performance: Aligning Work with Cognition
Clark Quinn, Ph.D., helps organizations work smarter: aligning technology with how we think, work, and learn. He integrates creativity, cognitive science, and technology to lead development of strategic solutions including award-winning online content, educational computer games, and websites, as well as adaptive, mobile, and performance support systems. After an early academic career, Dr. Quinn has served as an executive in online and elearning initiatives and has an international reputation as a speaker and scholar, with four books on learning technology and strategy as well as numerous articles and chapters. He works through Quinnovation.
Snorre Rubin
Learning Technology Consultant, RegionH E-læring, Denmark
Handing over Controls: Digital Learning in the Hands of the Users
Snorre is a Learning Techology Consultant at RegionH E-læring, the in-house e-learning bureau at The Capital Region of Denmark. With a base of 40000+ employees, the Region is in constant need of learning.
Snorre has a Bachelors degree in Educational Science, and a Master of Science in Information Technologly, Specializing in ICT, Learning and Organizational Change. In RegionH E-læring he has been working with Learning Technologies and e-learning productions for the last 2 years. His main focus through these two years has been enabling teachers and learners using Learning Technologies.
Rob Hubbard
Founder and Creative Lead, LAS, UK
Rob is a designer through and through who is fascinated by how we learn, what we remember and why. He is a great enthusiast of all that technology can offer to enhance learning and has completed a huge variety of projects in his 15 year career.
In 2005, Rob founded LAS, which has grown to become a multi award-winning digital learning company. He served on the Board of the eLearning Network for four years including two as the elected Chair. A regular conference speaker he is also the editor and co-author of the 'Really Useful eLearning Instruction Manual' published by Wiley and featuring contributions from the brightest and best elearning minds on both sides of the Atlantic.