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The OEB Boardroom BRD04

Initiatives for Displaced Populations to Own Learning

Date Friday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomZille

Education, certification of existing skills and competencies, and introductions to relevant networks can be crucial for successful integration into a host society.

Join this boardroom with a panel of experts to discuss how quality, digital, inclusive, and culturally appropriate content can offer support for displaced populations. Discuss and discover which technologies and modes of delivery fit with challenging circumstances. Also, find out how projects get stakeholders on board; from national and local authorities to businesses, individuals and targeted users.


OEB speaker David Banes

David Banes

Director; Access Technology Evangelist, Consultant working with The Qatar Foundation International for “Build Back Better”, UK

OEB speaker Vincent Zimmer

Vincent Zimmer

Co-founder & Managing Director, Kiron Open Higher Education gGmbH, Germany

OEB speaker Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar

Assistant Provost & Director of Academic Computing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA