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The OEB Boardroom BRD02

Owning Learning: the Learning Solution Designer Profile Perspective

Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time   –   RoomZille

The means for gaining mastery in the learning and development profession and its role in learning organisations of today and tomorrow will be in focus in this session.

The facilitator sets the scene with research findings and guides the discussion around questions such as: What is the skill set required from the learning designer in order to meet his/her goals? How does one gain the desired skills, knowledge and experience? How can a learning solution designer maintain his skill set over time? How can we as managers support and promote learning designers` ongoing quests for proficiency?

The goal will be for each of us to gain insights into the sustainability of our respective profiles and the means to support these over time.

You are invited and encouraged to contribute based on your professional, cultural and organisational experience.


OEB speaker Eran Gal

Eran Gal

Owner, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel