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Academic Session ACA14

Empowering the Learner in Higher Education Through Blended Learning

Date Friday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

Blended or hybrid learning has the potential to empower student learning in higher education in ways that hitherto have not been possible. This presentation will outline a wide range of methods by which online activities have been integrated into courses. Each of these models has particular strengths and limitations that will be contrasted and compared. The research on learners’ attitudes and perspectives toward blended learning will be discussed and the presentation will conclude with a discussion of how blended courses may be designed so that learners can be empowered in blended environments.

OEB speaker Ron Owston

Ron Owston

Research Associate, Research Associate, Contact North/Contact Nord, Canada


OEB speaker Nives Kreuh

Nives Kreuh

Senior Consultant, E-learning, National Education Institute, Slovenia