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Academic Session ACA04

Education Through Entertainment: Promoting Learning Through the Use of Creative and Engaging Online Resources

Date Thursday, Dec 1 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

This presentation outlines the findings from a qualitative study that explored the interactive qualities of an e-learning teaching module, reflecting upon style, content and functionality and their resultant impact upon students’ attention and engagement. It analysed the ways in which learners interact with e-learning materials. It identified features which engage and promote attention enhancing a particular focus placed upon ‘what works’ and ‘what doesn’t work’. And this study also makes a number of recommendations for e-learning developers, considering approaches and resources for enhancing engagement.

OEB speaker Gary Morris

Gary Morris

Nursing Lecturer, University of Leeds, UK


OEB speaker Nives Kreuh

Nives Kreuh

Senior Consultant, E-learning, National Education Institute, Slovenia