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Pre-Conference Workshop A3

DistancE-Learning in Europe - Exchanging Experiences and Knowledge

Date Wednesday, Nov 30 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg I Price: free of charge Status: fully booked

Workshop leaders

OEB speaker Jens Greefe

Jens Greefe

Vice President, Forum Distance Learning (FDL) / European Association for Distance Learning (EADL), Germany

OEB speaker Michael Härtel

Michael Härtel

Senior Researcher, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), Germany

OEB speaker Tilman Zschiesche

Tilman Zschiesche

Geschäftsführer, Projektleitung, Pilotprojekte, Forum DistancE-Learning (FDL), Germany

OEB speaker John Trasler

John Trasler

Director & Owner, European Association for Distance Learning (EADL), UK

OEB speaker Marjolein Zweekhorst

Marjolein Zweekhorst

Researcher, Associate Professor, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

OEB speaker Claudia Bremer

Claudia Bremer

Head of Department, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany

OEB speaker Kirsten Huter

Kirsten Huter

Development of a Non-profit Course Program, Institut für Lernsysteme (ILS), Germany


With the preconference within the framework of the Online Educa Berlin the organizers intend to create an opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing for individuals and institutions who offer programs for lifelong learning and vocational education using distance learning methods.

The intention is to establish an international forum enabling the participants to develop and find a position regarding the variety of technological developments for digital teaching and learning programs in the field of distance learning.

A special focus is put on the services which distance learning providers can offer to volunteers who want to improve their knowledge to engage professional in providing optimal support for refugees in Germany.


  • Presentation # 1: “Blended Learning as Solution for Dealing Effectively with Diversity in Higher Education“ by Marjolein Zweekhorst, VU Amsterdam
  • Presentation # 2: “Blended Learning – Practice Orientation and Heterogenous Learning Groups” by Claudia Bremer, Frankfurt University
  • Presentation # 3: “Helping The Helpers – Professionalizing Volunteer Work for Refugees” – A Blended Learning Concept presented by Kirsten Huter, ILS Hamburg

Target audience

This Pre-Conference is for Distance Education experts who want to expand their network and share their knowledge with others and for anyone who is interested in distance learning methods as well. The Pre-Conference is especially for those who work in the adult education business.

With the presentation of the non-Profit course program “Help the helpers” it is intended to pull the idea of educating volunteer helpers of refugees with a blended learning concept in the focus and to inspire others to work in this field.


  • The goal is to provide information and to initialize discussions about the presented topics. The last two years showed that the format of the pre-conference with the combination of presentations with following discussion is ideal to reach the goal.
  • To receive information about blended learning concepts to solve pedagogical problems such as heterogeneous target groups.
  • Better Networking with other distance learning experts in an international Framework.
  • Get ideas to aid volunteer helpers of refugees.